From the course: Building Recommender Systems with Machine Learning and AI

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Handwriting recognition with TensorFlow, part 1

Handwriting recognition with TensorFlow, part 1 - Python Tutorial

From the course: Building Recommender Systems with Machine Learning and AI

Handwriting recognition with TensorFlow, part 1

- [Instructor] So let's dive into a hands on example of using TensorFlow at a lower level to give you more of an appreciation of what's going on under the hood. To get started on Windows, go to your start menu and find the Anaconda3 program group and launch an Anaconda prompt. First thing you want to do is make sure that TensorFlow itself is installed, and again, we are using TensorFlow two in this course, you want at least TensorFlow 2.0. To do that, you can just say conda install TensorFlow. And I've already done that so for me, it won't actually do anything. But if you do need to install that or update it, it will prompt you through the process for doing that right now. Let's let it go through that. Okay, so I'm all good here. Next we want to cd into the directory that we actually installed the course materials into, and by the way, if you're on Mac or Linux, you can just open up a terminal prompt to do all this…
