From the course: Building Recommender Systems with Machine Learning and AI

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Intro to deep learning for recommenders

Intro to deep learning for recommenders

- So now that you understand the theory behind deep learning and neural networks, let's finally talk about how these techniques can be applied to recommender systems. You can imagine that with all the buzz around artificial intelligence lately, there's a lot of current research on applying neural networks to recommender systems. But is it all hype? Let's get something out of the way right upfront. Just because a new technology is hot, doesn't mean that it's the right solution for every problem. You can train a neural network with user ratings or purchases, and use it to make recommendations, but should you? As we've seen, deep learning can be very good at recognizing patterns in a way similar to how our brain may do it. It's good at things like image recognition and predicting sequences of events. But is making recommendations really a pattern recognition problem? Think back to when we talked about TensorFlow. It doesn't really know much about neural networks, per se, you actually use…
