From the course: Building Recommender Systems with Machine Learning and AI

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Introduction and installation of Apache Spark

Introduction and installation of Apache Spark - Python Tutorial

From the course: Building Recommender Systems with Machine Learning and AI

Introduction and installation of Apache Spark

- So far, we've been using the 100,000 ratings dataset from MovieLens as we illustrate different recommender systems. That's good enough for educational purposes, but if you want to build a recommender system for a real company, you will probably be working with much more data and you certainly won't be processing it just on your own desktop PC. This next section is about scaling it up, systems that exist to train recommender systems with real big data on a cluster, maybe even in the cloud. There are lots of options, but we'll cover a few of my favorites here. So far, we've been using the 100,000 ratings dataset from MovieLens as we illustrate different recommender systems. That's good enough for educational purposes, but if you want to build a recommender system for a real company, you will probably be working with much more data and you certainly won't be processing it just on your own desktop PC. This next section is about scaling it up, systems that exist to let you train…
