From the course: Building Recommender Systems with Machine Learning and AI

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Introduction to Keras

Introduction to Keras

- [Instructor] So we've had a look at developing neural networks using TensorFlow's lower-level APIs, where instead of really thinking about neurons or units, you're thinking more about tensors and matrices, and multiplying them together directly, and that's a very efficient way of doing it, but it's not really intuitive. It can be a little bit confusing, especially when you're trying to implement a neural network in those terms. Fortunately, there's a higher level API called keras that's now built into TensorFlow. It used to be a separate product that was on top of TensorFlow, but as of TensorFlow 1.9, it's actually been incorporated into TensorFlow itself as an alternative higher-level API that you can use. And it's really nice, because it's purpose built for deep learning. So all the code is very much built around the concept of artificial neural networks. That makes it very easy to construct the layers of your neural network and wire them together, and use different optimization…
