From the course: Building Recommender Systems with Machine Learning and AI

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Introduction to TensorFlow

Introduction to TensorFlow

- [Instructor] If you've done any previous research in deep learning, you've probably heard of the TensorFlow library. It's a very popular framework developed by the folks at Google. And they've been kind enough to make it open-sourced and freely available to the world. So let's talk about what TensorFlow is all about and how it can help you construct artificial neural networks. The thing that kind of took me by surprise when I first encountered TensorFlow was that it wasn't really purpose-built for deep learning at first, or even for neural networks in general. It's a much more general purpose tool that Google developed that just happens to be useful for developing deep learning and neural networks. More generally, it's an architecture for executing a graph of numerical operations. It's not just about neural networks. You can have any sequence of operations and define a graph of how those operations fit together. What…
