From the course: Building Recommender Systems with Machine Learning and AI

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Playing with TensorFlow

Playing with TensorFlow

let's mess around with it. It's surprisingly easy to do. The folks behind TensorFlow at Google have created a nice little website called that lets us experiment with creating our own neural networks. This is a very powerful thing if you can understand what's going on on this webpage. So what we're trying to do here is classify a bunch of points just based on their location in this 2D image. So this is our training dataset, if you will. We have a bunch of points here, and the ones in the middle are classified as blue, and the ones on the outside are classified as orange. So our objective is to create a neural network that, given no prior knowledge, can actually figure out if a given point should be blue or orange and predict successfully which classification it should be. So think of this as our training data. Okay, we know ahead of time what the correct classifications are for each one of these points. And we're going to use this information to train our…
