From the course: Building Recommender Systems with Machine Learning and AI

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Recommendations with RBMs, part 1

Recommendations with RBMs, part 1

- [Instructor] So here we go. Go ahead and open up Spyder. And if you have anything up here, just close it all out so you don't get confused. You can use control + shift + W to close any active windows that are currently up. And now, navigate into the DeepLearning folder of the course materials. So just hit the open icon and go to your course materials folder. For me, that's going to be This PC. C, RecSys-Materials. And within here, you want to go to the DeepLearning folder. And go ahead and select all of the Python files in there and open them up. So let's start by looking at the file. This is what implements the restricted Boltzmann machine itself with all the twists we talk about that are specific to recommender systems, such as using contrastive divergence. It uses TensorFlow 2, so it can use your GPU to accelerate things. It may look a little complex, and it is, but it's still only 100 lines of code.…
