From the course: Building Recommender Systems with Machine Learning and AI

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Review the basics of recommender systems

Review the basics of recommender systems

- [Instructor] We're not at the point yet where I can turn you loose to start practicing writing your own code for recommender systems, but we will get there soon. Meanwhile, let's do a short quiz to reinforce the things we've talked about so far. We talked about the difference between implicit and explicit indications of interest. Which of these are implicit ratings as opposed to explicit? Star reviews, like when you're rating a movie. Purchase data, like when you buy something on Amazon. Video viewing data, like how many minutes of a YouTube video you watch. And click data, like the record of online ads you've clicked on from an ad network. The only example of explicit ratings here is star reviews, where you are explicitly asking a user for their opinion of something. Purchasing, viewing, and clicking are all implicit ratings. We can infer you liked something because you chose to interact with it somehow. While explicit ratings provide very good data for recommender systems, they…
