From the course: Building Recommender Systems with Machine Learning and AI

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Sentiment analysis of movie reviews using RNNs and Keras

Sentiment analysis of movie reviews using RNNs and Keras - Python Tutorial

From the course: Building Recommender Systems with Machine Learning and AI

Sentiment analysis of movie reviews using RNNs and Keras

with an example, and you'll see it's really nowhere near as hard as it sounds when you're using Keras. I used to work at IMDb so I can't resist using a movie related example. So let's dive into that next and see RNNs Recurrent Neural Networks, in action. So let's have some fun with recurrent neural networks. It's still tricky to tune things properly. But assuming you have some sort of a template of a similar problem to work from it's quite easy in practice. What we'll do here is try to do sentiment analysis. This is going to be an example of a sequence to vector RNN problem where we're taking the sequence of words in a user written movie review and we try to output a vector that's just a single binary value of whether or not that user liked the movie or not. That is whether they gave it a positive rating. This is an example of doing sentiment classification using real user review data from IMDb. And since I used to run IMDb's engineering department this is a little bit too tempting…
