From the course: Business Tax Foundations

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State W3s: The other W3 form

State W3s: The other W3 form

- [Instructor] In addition to your federal W3, you also have to file a state W3. The rationale is exact the same as with the federal government. State authorities want to minimize tax fraud, and you want to avoid fines and penalties. The state W3 will vary across states, and in many cases it's available online. But let's take a look at one paper example from my home state of Connecticut. So we have here the W3 for the state of Connecticut, and again we'll just fill in our name, address, city, state, and zip code. One key point, you've not only got to fill in your own federal EIN, but you'll also have to fill in a state registration number. You should've gotten one of these numbers when you filed with the state, and their department of revenue services in the first place to be able to pay taxes. So you'll need to make sure that you fill in both your state tax registration and the federal EIN. From there you need to record all of the wages paid to employees in that particular state. If…
