From the course: C# and .NET Development with Visual Studio

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Install Visual Studio and run C# with Copilot

Install Visual Studio and run C# with Copilot

From the course: C# and .NET Development with Visual Studio

Install Visual Studio and run C# with Copilot

(upbeat music) - Hi everyone, my name is Jesse Houghton and I am a product manager on Visual Studio. I'm excited to continue on the Visual Studio for Beginners series with you and we're going to be looking at how to install Visual Studio. Let me go ahead and open my favorite web browser and type in This is going to take you to the homepage for Visual Studio that not only has all of the download links that you might need for all of our IDEs, but also you can catch up on any brand new news or new features that we have that you might want to try out. Let me go ahead and scroll down to the Visual Studio option and I'll go ahead and download Community. Community is available for free for individuals and students and that's what we'll be using today. I'll actually be using Preview, and I'll talk a little bit about that, but you'll notice that I have a couple different setups installed 'cause I've run this before and I want to make sure that we're not waiting on…
