From the course: C# and .NET Development with Visual Studio

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Visual Studio plus Git and GitHub

Visual Studio plus Git and GitHub

(upbeat music) (air whooshing) - Hi everyone. My name is Jessie Houghton. I'm a Product Manager on Visual Studio, and I'm excited to continue the Visual Studio for Beginners series. Now in this video, I'll be showing you how to get started with Git and GitHub in the IDE to take advantage of all of that goodness of backing up your code and collaborating with your friends. Awesome. So what is Git, actually? Git is a source control provider, source control or version control. You might hear the term kind of thrown around different ways, but what it does is it takes snapshots of your code and allows you to roll back changes if you run into any issues. So let's say I introduced a bug, and I want to actually make sure that I go back to a working version to continue on my development. GitHub gives me that power. And the way that it works with Visual Studio and GitHub is kind of demonstrated in this diagram. You've got the ability to clone projects from GitHub where they'll be hosted in the…
