From the course: C# and .NET Development with Visual Studio

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Visual Studio productivity tips

Visual Studio productivity tips

(bright uptempo music) - Hi, everyone, I'm Jessie Houghton. I am a product manager on Visual Studio, and I'm excited to continue working on the Beginner Series for Visual Studio. So we've covered install, we've covered a quick, brief tour. Let's do kind of as many productivity tips I can for do .NET as possible in the next 10-ish minutes. So let's go ahead and make sure that we're signed in. Signing in has tons of benefits. It allows you to interact with us super easily on Developer Community using the Send Feedback button. It also gives you easier access to your services in Azure, as well as your GitHub services. And then it's also going to save your preferences between different installs of Visual Studio. So when you start up a new update or when you download the preview versions, you have all of the best and interesting Beta features to check out. You'll get all of your customizations going along with you. I'll go ahead and demo the all-in-one search. And so I'm clicking Control +…
