From the course: C# Essential Training 1: Types and Control Flow

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.NET runtime is responsible for running MSIL

.NET runtime is responsible for running MSIL - C# Tutorial

From the course: C# Essential Training 1: Types and Control Flow

.NET runtime is responsible for running MSIL

- [Instructor] Once C# or other .NET languages have been compiled to MSIL they need to be executed. The .NET runtime is responsible for executing that intermediate language or those .NET executables. The runtime itself can be installed on a server or workstation, separate from the SDK. So you don't need to have a developer setup. You can simply install the runtime and then your application, compiled MSIL, can run on that platform. There've been a variety of versions of the .NET runtime over the years, the most recent versions were started with .NET core are cross-platform, so they can run on Windows, or Linux, or Mac OS. That means with C#, you can write your applications and you can target a variety of platforms, not just desktop or Windows, but also mobile platforms. Another feature of the more recent .NET versions is that the runtime can be deployed with your application, eliminating the need for a separate installation of the runtime. This is especially useful when deploying…
