From the course: C# Essential Training 1: Types and Control Flow

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Referencing .NET assemblies

Referencing .NET assemblies

- [Instructor] This notion of namespaces and fully qualified type names is hopefully easy to grasp now in this single application, but let's make it a little more complicated by going to our solution and to choose to add a new project. I'm going to add a library project here. So it's going to be a DLL that we have as part of our solution. It's going to be a library for our types. So we'll call this LinkedIn.Essentials.Types. And we'll add that in choosing to use the dotnet 6. And now that we've got that project, let's go ahead and bring these types down here. So I'll drag the defining types and the constants over there, we'll clean up the default class one. And then we'll remove those both from this project or from the application itself. So now we've got our program.cs. That's in our little console application and notice we're starting to get an error here saying I don't understand this LinkedIn. Even if I go up here and I uncomment the using again, it says, I don't know about this…
