From the course: C# Essential Training 1: Types and Control Flow

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The base class library

The base class library

- [Instructor] When writing applications in C#, or really any language, there are common pieces of functionality that are often provided in a software development kit or SDK. And because C# is one of several .net languages, that common functionality is provided to all of them in the Base Class Library or BCL. The BCL contains types for the most basic of functions, such as string manipulation, mathematical functions, and working with dates, but it also contains more complex functionality around working with files, network streams, or data access. Application developers will typically build their own reusable libraries on top of the BCL and use these libraries in their applications as well. So you'll see a combination of direct calls from the application down to Base Class Library types, as well as leveraging custom libraries that allow for reuse, and definition of common business objects, for example. The Base Class Library used to be the primary library used by all applications and…
