From the course: C# Essential Training 1: Types and Control Flow

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Using dynamic variables

Using dynamic variables

- [Illustrator] Well, Var gives you that flexibility to use the anonymous types, where we know a particular structure. I want to go to another type of variable declaration. Say a dynamic D equals new ShiftWorker, we'll go ahead and create that, we'll initialize it. So we'll do FirstName equal Dynamic. I'm going to make it a Dynamic Worker. So LastName equals Worker. Now, if I go to D dot nothing happens, that's because well Var inferred the type from that statement, a dynamic object doesn't assume any particular type. So I can come in and I can use, D dot FirstName here. I can use D kids here. You'll notice I don't have kids defined on this particular ShiftWorker type, but the compilers not complaining about that. Because my D variable is dynamic. And essentially what that allows me to do, is tell the compiler I know what I'm doing. Don't check any of the things I'm doing with his D variable at compile time. Don't make sure it has a property, or method that I'm calling at compile…
