From the course: C# Essential Training 1: Types and Control Flow

What you should know

- [Instructor] Let's talk about what you need to know to get started with C# Essential Training. You should have some basic programming knowledge already. So either familiarity with another programming language or just general basic programming knowledge. Ideally you'll have the C# basics covered and a great way to do that is by watching the learning C# course here on LinkedIn Learning. I'm going to assume that you have that basic level of understanding as we begin this course. All of the examples that I'll be showing use Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition with .NET 6 and C# 10 running on Windows. I'll point out features that are new in these versions in case you're using a previous version. It is possible to use Visual Studio 2022 for Mac. It's in preview at the time of the recording or Visual Studio Code on Windows or Mac, but the experience won't be exactly the same. So you should be very comfortable with those tools if you choose to use them instead of Visual Studio 2022 for Windows. You can download the exercise files for this course to follow along. Once you download and unzip the archive, you'll find a layout similar to this, where you have a folder for each chapter, and if we go into a particular chapter, each of the movies will have its own folder here, and within you'll find a begin and end folder. Each of these has a LinkedIn.Essentials folder with the solution inside. Begin directory will have the state of the solution as we start the video and the end directory will have the corresponding state of the solution once the video's complete. Feel free to start with the begin and follow along, and you have the end there to compare when you're done.
