From the course: Cert Prep: Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate

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- When creating sketches, we are going to be adding dimensions extensively. Now I want to go through a few of the techniques for adding dimensions quickly and go over a few techniques for adding some special dimensions. So let's jump up here to the Smart Dimension tool. And first things first, now I can dimension a line just by clicking on the line and adding dimension here. So I can type in 100, for instance, but I can also do the same thing if I delete that dimension if I come up here and I add a dimension from this line here to this line over here and then place the dimension. So that's a three-click dimension, same thing, 100 millimeters. Now, this comes into play if you have maybe a Fillet or a radius on these lower corners here. If I were to choose the line itself, that wouldn't be an actual representation of that full length, from side to side, so I generally try to use the 3-point click dimension. Let me give you an example right here. So if I click on Fillet and I'm going to…
