From the course: Cert Prep: Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate

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Sample Exam review

Sample Exam review

- In preparation for teaching this course I went ahead and I did the CSWA sample exam as well as the real CSWA exam. This document provided by SolidWorks does a very, very good job of laying out what exactly is going to be on that exam, and all the requirements. Couple things I want to touch on while we're here. Number one, we want to make sure that we've got a computer running SolidWorks 2011 or higher. Make sure you have that. Make sure you have an internet connection and then a double monitor. A double monitor is really key because one, I can have you testing client up on one screen and I can have SolidWorks up on the other. Most of the questions are going to have us looking at the drawing, and then creating apart from that. So, if you don't have a double monitor, you're going to be switching between windows quite often, so really, if you have the option of using a double monitor, definitely take it. Now, as I scroll though this document here. You can see, it breaks down each one…
