From the course: Cisco CCNP SCOR Security (350-701) Cert Prep: 3 Endpoint Protection and Secure Access

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Asset inventory

Asset inventory

- [Instructor] Just as with endpoint device management, we have many options available for asset inventory. When we say asset inventory, we're referring to the process by which we keep track of all of our corporate assets, or in other words, our end devices. One of the most time consuming tasks for any administrator is keeping track of these assets. Including information about who is using those assets, when they're accessed and where they are located. Again, many solutions are available for this and we've already looked at Cisco AMP, which is certainly a valid option. Here, we're going to take a look at a different tool. We're going to take a look at how this is possible using Cisco DNA Center. Just as an example of the simplified asset inventory feature offered by such tools. Again, this is just a general overview of why asset inventory is important using Cisco DNA Center as an example. DNA Center can use a variety of methods to discover assets in the network including a search of a…
