From the course: Cisco CCNP SCOR Security (350-701) Cert Prep: 3 Endpoint Protection and Secure Access

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BYOD policies

BYOD policies

- [Instructor] We've discussed the benefits of BYOD policies already and we've looked at configuring guest services and profiles as well. Here we're going to examine some specific ways that we can configure BYOD and Cisco ISE for user's personal devices. First, let's take a look at the work centers menu here at the top. and from there, we're going to see a BYOD section. From that let's choose the settings option at the bottom of that section. We're going to take a look here first at some global settings for our device portals. If we go under employee registered devices on the left, you can see that we're able to restrict the number of devices that each employee can connect to the network for BYOD. By default, that value is set to a maximum of five devices. We can also look at the retry URL setting, where we have the ability to enter a URL. When a device encounters a problem during the registration process, it will automatically try to reconnect to the internet. Whatever URL we enter…
