From the course: Cisco CCNP SCOR Security (350-701) Cert Prep: 3 Endpoint Protection and Secure Access

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Cisco CTA and ETA

Cisco CTA and ETA

- [Instructor] We've looked at Cisco Stealthwatch already but we want to revisit that solution here to take a closer look at both Cisco cognitive threat analytics or CTA and a Cisco encrypted traffic analytics or ETA. In 2013, Cisco acquired the Cognitive Security Group a company dedicated to machine learning. These machine learning solutions were integrated with many Cisco security solutions in order to create a normal baseline of network activity so that machine learning could be used to identify anomalies. With Cisco CTA configured in the local network, this will identify suspicious traffic sorted by risk including a list of the top alarming hosts and behaviors. From our main dashboard of Cisco Stealthwatch we can scroll down to see a cognitive intelligence window that we see here on the bottom left. This is information that is being fed into Stealthwatch by a local CTA instance. We can click the View Dashboard button here and that's going to load a new tab that will show us our…
