From the course: Cisco CCNP SCOR Security (350-701) Cert Prep: 3 Endpoint Protection and Secure Access

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Mobile device management (MDM)

Mobile device management (MDM)

- [Instructor] Another important consideration we want to examine is mobile device management. Unmanaged mobile devices can be a huge security risk because it's very common these days for users to access highly sensitive enterprise data from a mobile device. As with any device that we allow to connect to our networks, we need to be able to ensure that these devices are up-to-date and patched properly. And also an additional consideration for mobile devices are the fact that we need to be able to have ways to remotely wipe those devices if they become stolen or lost. We're going to look at Cisco's Meraki solution for this as an example of a unified way to manage our devices from a central location in order to enforce security policies and also to remotely wipe a device in case that is needed. As with many other management tools, there are obviously lots of options out there but this Cisco solution will certainly let us see some of the important reasons why we would use a mobile device…
