From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

Cold calling mindset

- Hello and welcome to the first section of the cold call course. Now I wanted to do this section just to get you into the right state of mind to do cold calls. It's not something everybody does and it's something that a lot of people fear doing and for a good reason, but hopefully this course will help you get over that. Cold calling isn't only for sales. It comes into a lot of other jobs. I, myself, worked in PR and we had to call journalists and pitch news stories to them and that was effectively cold calling. So, you may not be an out and out salesman, but it does come in to lots of different parts of other roles. Generally, unless you do the cold calls and you're in that world, and you're meeting people and reading books, you never actually hear about it and you never find out different ways to actually perform the cold call. So, these next few sections are simply just to get you into the right state of mind to be open to the learning and also to actually perform the calls.
