From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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Selling to other humans

Selling to other humans

- The last of my four tips is that they're all humans too, you shouldn't have to fear them. They're not sat next to the phone waiting for you to call to test you and catch you out in every little bit you did wrong. They're also winging it, you have practiced. You've gone through your scripts, you've heard every objection going, you're ready, you've prepared, you've researched them, you've researched their company, you know their product, they've never heard your pitch before, so it's not a high-pressure situation. Don't forget what I said, "99% of people are actually incredibly nice." Maybe if they don't want to buy your product, they'll make up some really rubbish excuse to not buy it. They're not going to shout at you, they're not going to hang up on you, they are humans and most of them appreciate that you are too. So really, it's just a conversation between two people. It's not a test, it's not a perfect presentation,…
