From the course: Computer Vision on the Raspberry Pi 4

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Using the Thonny IDE

Using the Thonny IDE

- [Narrator] The Raspberry Pi provides two development environments for Python, and you can find them by opening the Applications menu, and going to the Programming sub menu. The two options are Geany and Thonny. Geany has more features, but Thonny is easier to use. For this reason, I'll use Thonny throughout the course. If you open Thonny, you'll see that the environment has three parts: the toolbar, the editor area, and the shell area. The editor occupies most of the screen. And, at the bottom, the shell displays messages from the Python interpreter. When an application prints a message, or throws an error, the shell displays the result. To see how Thonny works let's write a simple program that uses OpenCV to create and display an image. We can access OpenCV's capabilities with the statement import cv2. In addition to OpenCV, we'll need the numeric Python package, or NumPy. We can import NumPy with the statement, import…
