From the course: Configure and Manage OneDrive

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Activity reports

Activity reports

- [Instructor] With activity reports in the Microsoft 365 admin center, you can easily see how people in your organization are using various Microsoft 365 services. And one of those services, for example, is OneDrive. So there is a OneDrive activity report we can look at. So let's take a look at how we can do this. Now first of all, right now we're at the SharePoint admin center. And as I mentioned, this is actually done through the Microsoft 365 admin center. So let's click over there. Here in the Microsoft 365 admin center, on the left hand side, I'm going to click Show all, which then gives me the ability to see a Reports section which I will expand. And then what I want to select is Usage. When I click on Usage, there's a couple things I want you to see. First of all, there are various product reports listed on the left. And if I scroll down, you'll see OneDrive is an option. That's one way to get to your OneDrive…
