From the course: Configure and Manage OneDrive

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Managing sync settings

Managing sync settings

- [Narrator] OneDrive has the ability to sync files between your local computer and the cloud. So we need to be able to manage some security settings regarding that ability to sync. So to do this, here in the SharePoint Admin Center, we're going to go to the settings section here. I'll click on settings. And down at the bottom, you'll see OneDrive Sync. And this says Manage Sync settings for actually OneDrive and SharePoint. Okay, so this is managing for both in one place even though it says OneDrive. So I'm going to click on that and we have three options. They're pretty straightforward, they're just checkboxes, but you need to know what they do. First checkbox says, show the sync button on the OneDrive website. Real simple, that one's checked by default. It's the only one checked by default. If I don't want that button to be available on the website, clear the button, simple as that. The other two are a little bit more…
