From the course: Configure and Manage OneDrive

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Usage reports

Usage reports

- [Narrator] Another type of report that we have with OneDrive through the Microsoft 365 Admin Center is the Usage Report. So just like we saw with the activity report here in the Microsoft 365 admin center, I need to show all, expand my reports, and click on usage. Then, we have a choice. I can either select OneDrive from the left margin or I could scroll down until I find the card that says OneDrive files and click on view more. Either way, it takes you to the OneDrive section, and the tab that we want to be on is the one that it already selected, which is usage. This is where I can see the usage report. I'm going to minimize this to get it out of the way. I just want to show you that the accounts section says number of total and active accounts, files, number and total of active files and storage, the amount of storage that has been used. And again you can see the total accounts versus active accounts. Total files…
