From the course: Configure and Manage OneDrive

What you should know

- [Instructor] For this course, it is not expected that you have any specific prerequisite knowledge. Now, it certainly would be helpful if you have any prior experience working with Microsoft 365, but it certainly is not required in order to be able to succeed in this course. Now, if you want to follow along with the demonstrations that I'm going to walk you through, it's real easy. All you need is a computer that has access to the internet. That's it, because this is all going to be done through Microsoft 365, and it's all done in a web browser. Now, additionally, if you look at chapter one, this is where I take you through creating a trial Microsoft 365 account. This is a great way to learn, something you can set up, it won't cost you anything, and I'll show you exactly how to do it. And if you do all that, then you should be able to go ahead and follow along with everything that I'm going to go over with you in this course.
