From the course: Construction Management: Managing Risk

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Improving communication

Improving communication

- Our construction projects generate a tremendous amount of data, questions and answers, changes to the construction drawings, change orders, submittals, the list goes on. Capturing that information and getting it into the hands of the people that need it, in a timely fashion, has always been difficult. This is where adopting a digital workflow, like I've discussed earlier, can really improve things and lower risks related to poor communication. Let's look at the RFI process that's common on many construction projects. The RFI, or request for information process, is just the formal way that we handle questions and answers related to the construction documents. And in my opinion, it's a process that's been broken for a long time. This process typically starts when someone has a question related to something shown on the plans, the construction drawings. They need to get their question answered by the design team that created the plans and they typically need an answer sooner rather…
