From the course: Content Creation: Strategy and Tools

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Using Canva to design captivating social media graphics

Using Canva to design captivating social media graphics

From the course: Content Creation: Strategy and Tools

Using Canva to design captivating social media graphics

- [Narrator] Being a social media content creator also means you need to be an effective visual communicator. While it is cliche to say a picture is worth a thousand words, there is some truth to it. The visual component of your social media post has the potential to grab the attention of your audience and prompt them to engage further. And this is what we are going to attempt by using Canva, a popular graphic design platform. In this lesson, you'll learn how to create stunning social media designs and experiment with different sizes and formats. So let's get into it. You can create either a free or pro account. From there, you can see the homepage of the tool. Of course, there are a wide range of creative formats and delivery options but we're going to navigate to the social media button. Here you can see the most popular social media platforms and their respective formats. If the format that you are looking for is missing…
