From the course: Content Marketing Funnel for Creators

Creating your branding package

- [Narrator] Creating a branding package helps to set you apart as a content creator. Your branding package includes things such as your logo, color scheme, and fonts. You can use these to create consistency throughout your different social media platforms, your website, and products and services that you sell. Creating consistency in your branding can help you to move your followers along your funnel. Think about it this way. If someone has been following your social media content for a while and they're used to your style, your colors, and how you present, and they finally make the decision to click on your website, if they come across a website that is completely different to what they're used to seeing, the chances of them converting into a lead or a customer is likely to fall dramatically. Your followers should get a sense that your website and social media are one. They should see words and phrases that they're used to seeing within your content. They should also see the same font that you use in your videos or within your infographics. They should also see the same color scheme that you use in your thumbnails and other graphics you post. It is not unheard of for content creators to hire help, managing aspects of their social media marketing. You can get someone to post on your behalf or create emails to send to your email list. You do, however, want to ensure that whoever you do hire has an understanding of your brand voice. This is not to say that you should trick people into believing that an email or a piece of content was written by you if it wasn't, but they should be able to write in a way that aligns with your brand and your core values. Your branding also stems further than the internet. If you are selling physical products to your followers, think about designing your packaging with your branding. This will help to enhance the experience that your customers receive. They are not just receiving another product through the post, but it is another extension of your brand that they see often on social media. Branding plays a big part in helping your followers feel part of your tribe throughout every stage of your marketing funnel, from when they first discover you on social media right to the products and services that you deliver.
