From the course: Content Marketing Funnel for Creators

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Email marketing best practices

Email marketing best practices

- [Narrator] A lead magnet is something that you offer for free to your audience in return for information, usually in the form of a name and an email address. This is often one of the most effective ways for you to grow your mailing list. Think about what will bring your audience value? Can you create an ebook or an online course or any other kind of resource that is easy to make and easy to consume that your audience would like? In some cases, you can offer a free trial or a discount to your products or services as a lead magnet. Some content creators are hesitant to ask for an email address. Email marketing can seem very pushy and salesy. Open up your emails right now and look at the brands that email you in your promotions tab. You will likely see some of the biggest brands in the world in your inbox. This is because email marketing is highly effective and your followers who also decide to subscribe to your mailing list…
