From the course: Corporate Financial Statement Analysis

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Reading the income statement

Reading the income statement

- Now the second primary financial statement is the income statement. And it can be summarized as revenues minus expenses equal net income. Now we use the terms revenue and expenses all the time, so let's make sure we know what these words mean. In an accounting context, revenue means the amount of assets generated in doing business. And different companies generate assets in different ways. Walmart, for example, generates assets by putting things on shelves that you and I buy. Walmart's inventory, we pay Walmart for those things. That's how Walmart creates assets. Microsoft creates assets by creating software and hardware that you and I then buy, and we pay Microsoft for those things. Disney has consumer products, they have cruises, they have theme parks. We pay to use those things or to buy those products, and that's how Disney generates assets. Revenue is the amount of assets generated in doing business and…
