From the course: Creating Marketing Objectives

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Guidelines for creating marketing objectives

Guidelines for creating marketing objectives

From the course: Creating Marketing Objectives

Guidelines for creating marketing objectives

- "Setting goals is the first step "in turning the invisible into the visible." Tony Robbins. And I love that quote because that's what we're doing with marketing objectives, we're setting goals, we're creating ourselves a guidebook for how we're going to go and execute, so marketing objectives are specific things that you want to achieve in executing your marketing strategy. That's what's critically important so do not skip this step. Sometimes entrepreneurs are like, yeah, I don't need this, I don't need to worry about this. This is the guidelines. These are what I call your guiding principles to your entire marketing program. This is going to keep you centered and keep you focused and I want you referring back to this on a regular basis saying are we achieving our objectives, are we getting the results we want? These marketing objectives are like what you're trying to get to in the finish line. Where you're driving…
