From the course: Creating Marketing Objectives

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Types of objectives

Types of objectives

- So what I've done for you is I've actually broken things down into different types of objectives so that we can guide you through the process, kind of walk you step by step through kind of different marketing objectives, so things you can actually take right out, copy, and put into your business plan for each type of marketing program or each type of objective. So we've just broken these down for you to make it easier. So the first category we have is kind of exposure and awareness. So what are the different things or what are the different marketing objectives that you can see with exposure or awareness. First of all, awareness, one of the marketing objectives you could have is increase the brand awareness by 20%. Now, sometimes that's a little bit hard to measure but brand awareness is always hard to measure. However, at least you have a goal and you can survey that so there are ways of measuring it. How about…
