From the course: Creating Screen Capture Training

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Determine the need for training

Determine the need for training - Camtasia Tutorial

From the course: Creating Screen Capture Training

Determine the need for training

- [Instructor] The goal of this course is to learn how to create effective video based system training. Before we can get started with planning, scripting, and the creation of that training, there are a few important things to cover. There are a few things that are absolutely essential to creating high-quality and effective training. And thy are: determining the need for training, understanding your audience, and considering sound instructional design practices. The first, is to determine the need for training. Why do you need to create this training? What skills or knowledge do you need your audience to learn? How will the training, if successful, impact business results? In order to ensure you're maximizing your return on investment for your training, you'll need to consider these factors. This isn't a topic we're gonna cover in depth in this course, however, I recommend checking out some of Jeff Toister's courses in our library. Including his How to Design and Deliver Training…
