From the course: Creating Screen Capture Training

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Instructional design

Instructional design

- [Narrator] Creating system training videos can be an extremely effective way to provide training, and the goal of this course is to show you the process involved in doing this. No training, however, will be successful if you don't use sound instructional design practices. Now, instructional design is an enormous topic, and it's something we won't be able to cover in-depth in this course. I do however, suggest that you check out some of the many courses in our library on the topic of instructional design, including Jeff Toister's Instructional Design: Adult Learners course. I also recommend the book Design For How People Learn by Julie Dirksen, which I think does a great job of covering this topic. Topics that need to be considered when creating video-based training include needs analysis, your scope and sequence, the design and layout of the videos, implementation and evaluation, curating and creating of resources, and other instructional design best practices. Remember that…
