From the course: Creators Guide to Repurposing Content

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Anatomy of a versatile content piece

Anatomy of a versatile content piece

- Diving into content repurposing isn't about jumping on some trend. It's about unlocking the true potential of the content you create. Let's say, for example, you have a video that breaks down digital marketing do's and don'ts. With the magic of repurposing, that one video can become a Pinterest-perfect infographic, a marketing email, a thread of insightful tweets, a blog post, a catchy Instagram caption, a thoughtful LinkedIn post, a Facebook ad. Honestly, the possibilities are pretty endless. The takeaway? In today's modern age, there is no excuse for not maximizing your content's impact without always starting from scratch. Up next, tips on selecting that prime piece of content ready for its multi-platform moment, stick around.
