From the course: CSS: Combining Grid and Flexbox

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Grid syntax

Grid syntax

- [Instructor] The basic concept of CSS grid is to take an HTML element and divide it into rows and columns. In essence, turning it into a grid. You can then place the direct children of this element anywhere on the grid. Grid items have to be direct children of the main grid container. These are the elements available for you to place on the grid. The grid specification introduces us to some terminologies that we need to understand so we can utilize the grid to its full effectiveness. To start off with, we have the grid container. This is the element on which display grid is applied. It is the parent of all the grid items. Any grid container within your document is an item that you can create a grid inside of. Grid lines are the horizontal and vertical lines that form the basis of the grid structure. They are used to position items on the grid. Lines can be referred to by number or name and are handy for controlling…
