From the course: CSS: Combining Grid and Flexbox

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Using Grid: Challenge

Using Grid: Challenge

(energetic jingle) - [Narrator] As you have seen, Grid offers you a ton of ways to build up web pages and has some great nuances in regards to controlling exactly how your grid functions. Well, now it's Grid challenge time. Are you ready? Your task is to build out a webpage that looks like this. It will be responsive. It is going to transform from a one column layout to a multi-column layout. And as usual, I want you to build out mobile first. Here's some details that I want you to include in your page. Make sure that the page is responsive. At the small screen, the page should appear in one column and the order should be header, this main section, including these articles, the sidebar, and then the footer. At the small screen, we'll change the order of the items to ensure that this main element that contains these three article items appears before the aside. At mid screen, the tablet layout, make the images…
