From the course: Customer Experience Leadership

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Tell your customer’s story

Tell your customer’s story

- Five overall themes guide customer experience leadership. You begin by establishing your approach. You then take steps to listen and respond to customers and employees. We now turn to the third major theme, educate and design, that begins with telling your customer story. Now all admit my earlier years in my career, I put a lot of emphasis on logic and data just prove what you need to do. I've since discovered it usually doesn't work like that. The best customer experience leaders wrap data in a compelling narrative. They bring it to life and stir others to action. Here's an example, customers who discover they have termites or other bugs in their homes anticipate this dreadful process with a pest control company. Matt Beckwith, who's director of customer experience at Clark Pest Control has overseen a dramatic improvement in customer experience. His secret is stories. Matt describes these situations and…
