From the course: Customer Service Leadership

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Aligning service with your organization's vision and mission

Aligning service with your organization's vision and mission

From the course: Customer Service Leadership

Aligning service with your organization's vision and mission

- Too often, I'll see a vision or mission statement on a website or entry wall, but then observe very different priorities in day-to-day operations. "We put our customers first. But keep the time you spend with them to three minutes." Or, "We deliver world-class service. But we sure don't have the resources we need on Mondays." In the most successful organizations, from that small cafe you love to the iconic brands that have built a reputation for great service, everything aligns with the organization's vision, mission, and values. Let's explore three essential aspects of enabling that to happen. And as a leader, think about how you can address and leverage each of them. One is creating clear direction. REI, the successful outdoor clothing and equipment retailer, describes their core purpose this way: "We inspire, educate, and outfit for a lifetime of outdoor adventure and stewardship." This gives even new employees a…
