From the course: Customer Service Leadership

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Creating customer advocates

Creating customer advocates

- Let's explore how you can tap into the principles of customer advocacy to create powerful results. Now, if you do a search for customer advocacy, you'll find two common and very different definitions. One is an internal perspective, focusing the organization on doing what's best for customers. The other is external. Customers advocate for us, spreading a good word about our organization. So which is correct? Well, both, at least both partially. Let's put them together. Here's a good definition. Customer advocacy consists of the actions we take to focus the organization on doing what's best for customers, which, in turn, rewards us with loyal customers who advocate for our products and brand. Customer advocacy could play out in small and big ways. It can help guide individual interactions. The reservation agent mentions to the customer that if they'd prefer, the later flight would save $175. It can be the catalyst…
