From the course: Cybersecurity Awareness: Phishing Attacks

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Falling for a phishing attack at home

Falling for a phishing attack at home

- [Instructor] We've covered what you'll do when you encounter a phish at the office, but what happens when you're at home? It may be a strange thing to prepare for, but I'd recommend coming up with a game plan. When it comes to going phishing at home, things can get a little more complicated. You have less support, and carry way more of the liability when it comes to the consequences of successful phishing attack. Being more diligent is a great solution, but it can be hard to be diligent at all times. Remember what I said about the human brain being lazy? Well over the course of time, being diligent will get old or you'll have other things competing for your diligence, and something could slip. That is why it's best to prepare for all scenarios. Companies do this all the time. They come up with a plan for what would happen if an attack was successful. They aren't hoping for it, but they realize that they…
