From the course: Cybersecurity Awareness: Phishing Attacks

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How technology helps with the fight against phishing attacks

How technology helps with the fight against phishing attacks

From the course: Cybersecurity Awareness: Phishing Attacks

How technology helps with the fight against phishing attacks

- [Instructor] Technology is a beautiful thing, and in 2021 so many things have been made convenient with it. We can now fry with air. We have cell phones that could run circles around their original computer models. Cell phones act as GPS, communication devices, dictionaries, thesauruses, cameras, and so much more. I can talk to a cylinder and not only can it talk back, but it can also provide a recipe for tuna tartare. We have little pods we stick in our ears and double tap if we want our music to pause or play. It's a pretty incredible time to be alive. With all that technology does to make life more convenient, why wouldn't we expect there to be some technology assistance to an issue caused by technology? In the case of phishing, there are a number of things that can help us on our journey to prevent phishing attacks from being successful. For email phishing, there are tons of technology solutions that can be…
