From the course: Cybersecurity Awareness: Phishing Attacks

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Is it a harmless unknown caller or vishing?

Is it a harmless unknown caller or vishing?

From the course: Cybersecurity Awareness: Phishing Attacks

Is it a harmless unknown caller or vishing?

- [Instructor] A couple of years ago, while on a flight, I was sitting next to this lovely Asian couple from Texas. When they found out that I worked in cybersecurity, the woman's eyes lit up in recognition. She talked about how she'd received a call a few weeks ago. She said the call was a recorded message, but it was in Chinese. She didn't know what the call was saying and hung up. She shook her head in frustration and told me, "I don't even speak Chinese." Some phishing attacks target specific groups of people who speak a certain language. In this case, the attack was unsuccessful because the woman didn't understand the language. If she was able to speak Chinese, however, this attack could have had a chance at being successful. We've gone over the dangers of phishing via email. Some of you may even have the act of spotting a phish down to an exact science, but these days, phishing isn't limited to email. Vishing as a…
