From the course: Cybersecurity Awareness: Phishing Attacks

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Practice makes perfect: An overview of phishing simulations

Practice makes perfect: An overview of phishing simulations

From the course: Cybersecurity Awareness: Phishing Attacks

Practice makes perfect: An overview of phishing simulations

- [Instructor] No one becomes an expert overnight. Serena Williams is one of the best tennis players in the world. However, she didn't compete in a professional tournament until she was 16, seven years after she enrolled in a tennis academy. It took a lot of failure before she became who she is today. The same can be said of many people we admire. Practice makes things easier over time. You learn from the mistakes you make so that you can make better decisions moving forward. In that same way, you should see identifying phishing attacks as something you practice over time. As much as I'd like to say that taking this course will immediately catapult you into a skilled phish identifier, that's not how this works. As with most new concepts, you will need to practice a bit before you can become a phish aficionado. Repetition and exposure are the biggest teachers. Phishing simulation used both to provide an opportunity to…
